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Joined: June 1, 2007
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: dating a trucker |
I think all truckers cheat..and a majority get away with it..because..if you didnt see it happen..then you can't prove it. They are either asleep when you call them on their cell phone..and they couldn't hear it ring..or they put it on silent..all night..because they didn't want their sleep disturbed..or they were out of the truck fueling..or getting something to eat..or they were in heavy traffic..and if you finally get them to call you..they don't want to they hang up you. If you don't answer your phone..they interigate you..wanting to know where you were..and what you were doing. Wake up..they all cheat. Men are s----l..and if they get the opportunity to be with an attractive woman..they will do it. When they are out on the road..they can have their cake and eat it to.
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 metalhead75_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I dont want to be rude but i find this offensive. Not all truck drivers are lying cheaters....apparently just the ones you h--k up with. Yes i will agree that the majority of them suck and a great deal of them do infact cheat but to say all of them cheat would mean that i would be lumped into that group and that is offensive. I have not ever nor will i ever cheat. Ive been single for over 2 years and have not had any s----l relationship with any woman for just shy of 2years for the simple reason that i have not found the right woman yet. Not all of us suck as men and im quite sure not all women are bitter either.
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 nikalyn_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Just a thought |
I do understand that a vast majority of trucker males do tend to cheat, BUT on the other hand look at your guys past. Was he single because he got busted for cheating? The old saying does come up that once a cheater always a cheater! That goes for both sex's!
I know you must really luv your guy! What you also need to remember is that you need to love you first! If he is not taking your calls or calling you back just as soon as he sees he missed your call then hun leave him!
I know it is hard trust me I know but self confidence is so sexy to a guy! If you have that then you have the world! I hope everything works out for you! Just remember to tell yourself you are worth more that the hell you are in.
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 missourigirl (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: i must agree |
metalhead75 wrote: I dont want to be rude but i find this offensive. Not all truck drivers are lying cheaters....apparently just the ones you h--k up with. Yes i will agree that the majority of them suck and a great deal of them do infact cheat but to say all of them cheat would mean that i would be lumped into that group and that is offensive. I have not ever nor will i ever cheat. Ive been single for over 2 years and have not had any s----l relationship with any woman for just shy of 2years for the simple reason that i have not found the right woman yet. Not all of us suck as men and im quite sure not all women are bitter either.
I got to agree with you.. although i understand everything she is saying. Every excuse she listed I have heard.But your right not all truckers are like that. I was with a trucker for 7 yrs. and i knew he was cheating but couldn't prove it. Left him in Jan of this yr. met another guy a trucker as well of course and I knew HE WOULD NEVER do that to me but due to my past relationship I had a trust issues and needless to say I now have lost the only man that ever treated me GOOD! And for the short time we were together I have never felt love or loved anyone as I did with him! But I now have to learn to let myself trust again cause if not I never will... and it takes time to heal all broken hearts!
missourigirl |
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 candigurl69_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Been there and done that ,,,,,been with a trucker who breaks it off,,, then he comes back again heard it all the phone is shut off cause i was sleeping,etc.etc,,,but my heart is for him and I also agree not all truckers r cheaters....but where I work I have had alot of truckers who come on me...tell me that they r divorced but then come back in and u can see where their wedding band was on.or they have their rings on their finger
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 boogiemct (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
.I c that a lot
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Joined: April 1, 2008
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`A true relationship is built on trust......So if you think that all men or women can be datorgized into one group..You lack trust and need to do some deep soul searching and find out why......
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Joined: April 28, 2008
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Posted: Post subject: |
`I was married to a trucker for 10 years, if I worried all the time about what he was doing I would have drove myself crazy.
Yeah, there are alot that cheat & there are alot out there making their living, getting their sleep, and moving down the road. One way to tell is by the paycheck they bring home. I just Divorced my Trucker................not for anything to do with the road. I love Truckers & there are alot of good ones out there..............male & female.
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Joined: April 22, 2008
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Posted: Post subject: |
.are u seein' any one now? |
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 asphaltcowboybc (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I'm a trucker. Yes, some guys cheat, but I highly suspect that even half of them do. For the girls who say all male truckers cheat, Then I suggest that maybe all the men you've been involved with are cheaters. Don't paint us all with the same brush. Make a better choice in a new man to begin with. It's not just truckers who get tarred with the sins of other men. It's men in general that get smeared by other men's actions and reputations within the female community. How many times have I heard or read about some girl moaning on and on about some jerk(s) they've been with. How they're tired of that and are looking for something else. Sadly, most women nowadays have serious trust issues. Now, I'm not going to blame them, because of their prior experiences. But please don't make us pay for some other weasel's actions. I will add that I too have come across women who cheat, but I won't condemn the entire female S-- because of it. Hell, I've even been married before, and that didn't work out, but I'm not bitter and jaded about the institution of marriage, and I am fully able to fall in love and get married again one day if the right girl comes along.
I'm a trucker who hates to drive and talk and the cel at the same time. I usually just let it ring, I don't care if it's dispatch or some idiot customer that wants mile by mile updates as to where I am. Maybe a rarity nowadays, but there you are. I also turn it off completely when I'm sleeping. I put in very long hours, dealing with all sorts of hassles on the roads. From moronic 4-wheelers, unbelievable traffic jams, to icy roads, to serious mountain grades and chaining, to dealing with some of the zoos that are depots and the irritating shippers and receivers, not to mention lumpers. Throw in constant aggravation from the little no-minds in dispatch and you've got a guy that just doesn't want to chat at times. I have and will call my woman when I get my head in a happy place. It's so nice to hear a friendly voice. Of course, if there's an emergency at home, I have always arranged a method to get ahold of me. Quite often I've had to cook the logbook, so when I pull over to crash, that's exactly what I am doing. I'm not flirting with the waitress, I'm not bargaining the lot lizards down to $5, I'm not arranging a meeting at some rest stop. I drive, I eat, I sleep, that's the realistic life on the road. I have gone as long as 3 days without calling home. I've been lucky enough to have been involved with girls who understand my job, and that no news is good news. So if you girls hear your man's "excuses" as to why he's hard to get ahold of, give him the benefit of the doubt. Like I said earlier, make a better choice in men to begin with.
Just my humble opinion
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Joined: February 16, 2008
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.Nice comment. |
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 kirstenanna_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Men of all professions cheat as do women. You just have to find the one that wont, they are out there.
I don't just like truckers but the trucking business employs mostly men, and I like mine a little rough around the edges. Office guys / executives, I don't know, there's something about a man with hands that are softer than mine and manicured nails that just puts me off:) I work in an office and close quarters, those guys cheat all of the time. I wish I wasn't able to over hear some of the things they said (cubicles) At least if I date a trucker, chances are I will never run into the person they are married to or cheating on me with.
Seriously, if the guy is cheating, I'll find out eventually so I don't waste my time trying to catch them at it, I've got better things to do and think about . I just wish people wouldn't project their unfortunate life events onto someone else. The new guy (or girl) is an entirely different person and should be given a chance. I don't think that truckers cheat more than anyone else, it depends on the individual, not the profession.
It's all about self confidence and being self reliant. Who cares if he cheats, he's only cheating himself. Move on and find a better man (or woman).
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Joined: November 13, 2007
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`I've dated two truckers long term, and neither one of them have acted like that. I've been badly burned by a cheater in the past, and I was able to deal w/ them being on the road, and not freak out lol. One of them, I had very little contact with, the whole time he was out. Maybe like 15 minutes every night before he went to sleep. But I trusted him completely and I knew he would never do anything like that. The one I am dating now, he's a little more out there, but he talks to me a lot, whenever he can. Thats good enough for me. I think it has a little more to do w/the types of men your talking to, not really the "trucker" part of it. They dont ALL cheat.
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 rebel007 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`i agree not all of us cheat some of us are looking for the right one but havent found it yet so to say that we all cheat puts us all in the same book im sure the ones who say that wouldnt like to be prejudged cause of someones past . give each guy a chance you will find out your wrong
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 citygirl0784 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Hey your guys name wouldnt be dan or danny would it?
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